Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sickness in the Summer

It has finally occured to all of us that the main reason we are having such a hard time dragging ourselves through a day is that we all have similar flu like symptoms (that passed to our friend, Kreisa) that include a sour throat, acheness in and around the head and serious fatigue.  Yesterday I could barely drive home with my eyes open.  Today, I fell asleep in the car in the driveway while listing to the end of a chapter of a book we're listening to.  One more day this week and we are off onto a crazy weekend with father's day, four birthdays, a baseball game, and a baby shower.  Those weekends drive me crazy.

On a brighter note,  the Summer Enrichment experience has been positive.  I think the kids really are learning and using their 21st century skills.  I am trying to constantly expose them to new tech-based learning experiences so they can be leaders of these activities in the fall.  As an extra bonus for me, I am also going to have them design and construct the bulletin boards for the beginning of the year.  One less thing for me to get done during that crazy time.  Sam and Em start school the same day I do, so I can not take them to their first day of public school.  I can't explain how sad that makes me.  I know they will be fine, but I want to SEE them be fine.  Since only 11 of the teaching staff has been retained, I know that the expectations of leadership will be exaggerated as we try to redefine/restructure this first year.  I still plan to ride in the MS 150.  I also plan to leave for 2-3 days so I can go on a cruise with the family during thanksgiving.  Overall, I am just hoping my desire to make my family a priority will fit into an increased need for me to seriously lead my grade level team.  I think the first IMPORTANT step is to just take some time OFF.  Read , relax, and recover.  Yes, that is the most important first step.

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