Friday, September 3, 2010

Week 3 Finished....First Holiday Weekend

The third week went off with minimal hitches.  It is weird to me that EVERY year I forget how hard the first quarter is.  Some resemblance to the amnesia related to giving birth.  I think this year  is going to be easier, but don't we think that every time we give birth. In many ways my personal year has been easier.  I am SO much better at repulsing the same mistakes of time management I make year after year.  Each year we (OCD teachers) make those choices to "try something new" that we just KNOW we will be able to manage.  I think maybe this year is the first one where I didn't come up with some completely unrealistic, ginormous change that I can't possibly manage while trying to do my best job with what I believe are the three pillars of urban education: relationship, management, and consistency (+ the necessary dose of personal accountability).  I am implementing two new things:  leveled reading repsonses based on the students individual comprehension levels and dialogue journals to discuss student writitng while acknowledging each student writing weakness.   I haven't started either yet.  I'm waiting for the class schedules to even out.  You wouldn't believe how long that takes every year (staying I can't explain).   I have an idea which of these two processes are going to be most difficult to maintain, but if I predict failure of one, that means I am not determined......and I AM determined to help my students to grow in both writing and comprehension.    I will just say that I know that responding to differentiated writing goals will be the most challenging, but, possibly the most valuable.   Reminder:  I can't trade my kids for the needs of others' kids.  (Just a necessary reminder, sorry!)  I hope I will begin to manage my time and choose my battles so well, that I can achieve my instructional goals this year w/o damage to those who had no say in my goals (my family.   Did I mention, I LOVE the intellectual challenge of teaching, but I love my children MORE.    God, please show me how to focus on the gift you gave me.  I am starting to buy into to the value of the gifts that came from show me how to use them the way you intended.  Take my me YOUR reality....make it my reality.

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