Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ending 2010-2011

The school year for me is essentially over.  My students promoted to freshmen yesterday.  My Emily and my Samuel are now 5th and 7th graders.  Mike and I will be delving back into the world of raising a middle schooler again.   So many habits and general patterns of thought are solidified in middle school, so I have a lot of praying to do over the next 4 years until they both get through the time.   They are both doing well in school.  I am so proud of how they have handled the changed and actually grown in very positive ways from it.  Although Maranatha offered so much good biblical education that they needed to make the right choices, it has also been a blessing to escape some of the negatives of that situation.  

We are finding our way through public education while holding tight to our faith.  Some of that has been difficult with the loss of grandpa.  Grandpa John was such a positive influence.   We've had to replace the losses of our lives with other positives.  That hasn't been easy for me.  The loss of John has left a huge hole I didn't deeply anticipate. Gratefully,  Ashley and Kreisa do help just by being such good people and putting up with me.

God is faithful:  He will make a way. We are finding our way at Central Church to replace the biblical instruction  and  fellowship lost by changing schools and churches.  We are also trying to help grandma make her way in this world without her guide and protector.  That has already been a challenge with some unwanted adventure.

I also don't know what my job is next year.  Many adventures still lurk.  What would life be without the anticipation of the unknown?

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