So the Coopers are in full-fledged spring break mode. It is officially day 2, if you count the days we would normally go to school, and it I just got up, Sam is already playing Kirby on the wii, Emily is still sawing logs, and Raymond is sitting lovingly on the floor outside my office excited that the people are home again (no 8 hours in a kennel). We have big plans to day...we might go for a bike ride around our new home, then go to the civic center to play some pool, and maybe start on Emily or Sam's science projects (getting chocolate out of fabrics and building a newt habitat, respectively). In between I need to reinvent the curriculum "wheel" again by turning a topic and a book normally for 8-9 graders into an exploratory poetry unit for 7th graders.
So we don't have less to do, but we have more flexibility over when we do it. It is days like this when I get how my job has its perks for my own kids too. Even Ashley has gotten more mom-time. Plus I get to take my 21-year-old baby girl up to get her grown up license tomorrow. We won't mention that I wouldn't have to take her if she hadn't had a series of silly ungrown-up reasons for not having it renewed already...but, again we won't mention that.
On an added note....Ashley and her friend Megan (with more than a little help from her roommate Kreisa) are officially off on their American dream journey of starting their own business. They have obtained their first new client (the only one currently not related to the preschool teaching duo) into the coolest licensed preschool/daycare in Mission. She doesn't look like me, act like me or even think like me, but I managed to damage her with some seriously obsessive similarities when it comes to caring and educating children. She will need her own blog soon. Wait...that is a good idea..I am going to tell her right now. Blessings all!
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